So Christmas is over and the cleaning has begun... I doubt I'm the only one going through the house trying to get it back into some semblance of what it was before the family dropped in. So when I found out I'piteme revamped and is now *Calamitous Intent* had to check it out. Of course I found a big comfy sweater Toy just put out to relax in SL in and she had the cutest Chucks to go with! Don't worry the New Year is almost here and we can all have a chance to revamp... Me, I think I'll just my keep loving my pink and enjoy what is <3

*Calamitous Intent* Over-sized Sweater and Shirt *NEW RELEASE*
Tooty Fruity - Tight Leggings
*Calamitous Intent* Calamitous Innocence Tip Toe Chucks *NEW RELEASE*
alaskametro<3 "Gala" eyeshadow set 01
alaskametro<3 "Gala" lipstick set 02
TRUTH HAIR Bangs [Swept Left]
TRUTH HAIR Magdalena
Zuri Rayna- Asha Dragonfly Earring

Insol: face Candy
Mesh Body Enhancements:
Maitreya Mesh Body- Lara
Musical Inspiration:
Ballroom Blitz by Sweet

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