We got out playing in Second life today, thinking to do a storyboard with the awesome poses [Kikay] has available. In Love and Make A Wish are the couple poses, and we just used one pose out of each the Boom Stand collection and the Cutiepie collection so we could show off our cute Moolala His/Her's Paul and Paula outfits. Don't forget Stuff Style will be ending soon so hurry over and grab these goodies <3 We showed the Mr and Mrs Right shirts earlier in the month, plus there's a few more for the couples that like to take the cute pictures. Then of course while taking pictures we had bears and rabbits photobombing us and instead of looking at the stars we were searching for aliens with the Make A Wish pose lol... Does it really surprise ya that's what we were looking for? Of course, I ended up with my tongue out the rest of the morning and the Rooster finally reminded me asking "Is it stuck?" Maybe... Or maybe I forgot about it... Either way I ain't admitting to nothing! Y'all have fun, I'm gonna see what else the Rooster has planned for camping <3
[Kikay] Boom - Stand poses 2 &
[Kikay] Cutiepie 4 &
[Kikay] In Love - Couple Pose &
[Kikay] Make a Wish - Couple Pose by mharieckit.carolina
Outfit: ~*Moolala*~ Paul Outfit - Hers/His by amandasue hallison
Available at Stuff Style
Hair: Amacci Hair Ethan ~ by Carina Larsen
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by izra hujibens
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink AvEnhance Hand - Relax & Slink Avatar Enhancement Male Feet PHYSIQUE Flat Feets &
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
Outfit: ~*Moolala*~ Paula Outfit - His/Hers by amandasue hallison
Available at Stuff Style
Jewelry: (Yummy) Kitschy Holiday Necklace - Nice by Polyester Patridge
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "#onfleek" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Hair: little bones. Babe by Nova Faerye
Skin Applier: Glam Affair - Alba by aida.ewing
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
When The Night Comes by Joe Cocker
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