Today I discovered the ST Mini Dress complete outfit at *~*Moolala*~*. It has a hud with the three main colors of blue, red, and yellow and also a hud for the nails as well. Also be sure to note *~*Moolala*~* has moved to a new location of Yorkdale, so update your landmarks. Discovering the Rooster as a new lifeform We found the Yeti from a few arcades ago has been updated. So stop over at [ Wilds of Organica ] or look up Aki Shichiroji to see if you have the updated version or how to retrieve yours. I have an alien aussie to catalog so y'all have fun <3


Outfit: *~*Moolala*~* ST - Shirt Mini Dress Complete Outfit (even includes nail appliers) *NEW RELEASE* by amandasue.hallison
Style Queen 20 Pantyhose Black by Rydut.mildor
Jewelry: EarthStones SunMoonStars Bracelets & EarthStones SunMoonStars Earrings & EarthStones SunMoonStars Necklace by Abraxxa Anatine
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Cinnamon by Truth Hawkes
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "#onfleek" makeup palette by Alaskametro

Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
[ Wilds of Organica ] Yeti Avatar by Aki Shichiroji
Musical Inspiration:
Underground by David Bowie
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