*Sweet Kajira* done it this time. Bronte captured the perfect look for her Isolda gown. Bringing the mythology of Tristan and Isolde to life. It's absolutely gorgeous with the stars, the regal look of a queen without too much flair so she can still fit into the healer role. Tristan and Isolde was an even more ill-fated than Romeo and Juliet. Tristan fought with Isolde's uncle ending up wounded, Isolde was the one who healed him and brought him back to health so he could flee. Then as Isolde was engaged to a lying man, Tristan saved her, proving the man a false... Only to have to take her to his uncle the King to marry, but the journey there brought the two lovers together. Can you imagine how hard it had to have been for them both as she was forced to marry a man while her lover stood by? Tristan was banished, marrying a woman named Isolde as well, he was said to have become a member of King Author's Round table. Tristan ended up wounded called for Isolde to come heal him once again, but his jealous wife told him she did not come. He died as her ship landed and she was rushing to his side. For Valentine's day I think *Sweet Kajira* did a beautiful job allowing the two lovers to be together in our own modern day in Second Life. It's available at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival in seven colors, I wish you better luck than these two had. Barusa once again found a outfit to fit our play at the We <3 Roleplay, having gotten a taste of the [BODY FACTORY]. He's enjoying mixing and matching his finds. He's always the handsome hero in my story <3 Y'all have fun, I think we're gonna go work on a happy ending for Isolde and Tristan this time <3
Outfit: *Sweet Kajira* Isolda corse purple
*Sweet Kajira* Isolda dress purple
*Sweet Kajira* Isolda foulard purple
*Sweet Kajira* Isolda skirt purple
*NEW RELEASE* by Bronte Denja
Available at Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Accessories: / fashion:Lore / - Princess w/Gems Set by Lorelei Maggs
=Zenith=Guardian Of The Stars Wings Crown by 喵 仙 人
Hair: NO.MATCH_NO.SHELTER. by no.match
Makeup Applier: alaskametro<3 "Fall Essentials" makeup palette by alaskametro
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Outfit: [BODY FACTORY] AssassinS Suit &
[BODY FACTORY] Stark Leather Boots &
[BODY FACTORY] Carbon Pants by Deco Olinger
Available at We <3 Roleplay
Accessories: [BODY FACTORY] Katana Sword Devil - Male by Deco Olinger
Available at We <3 Roleplay
Hair: Amacci Hair Ethan ~ by Carina Larsen
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink AvEnhance Hand - Relax &
Slink Avatar Enhancement Male Feet PHYSIQUE Flat Feets &
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
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