OMG don't you love the anticipation and the wait, when I wait on the aussie every night I feel absolute excitement seeing his name finally pop up on the nearby or when you wait for an event and finally Spoonful Of Sugar is open and you don't know where to tp first. Well I get to tell you Spoonful Of Sugar is open \o/ For those who have not seen it yet, it is a charity event to help the cause of Doctors Without Borders. I have a few things to show you today. {Anam Cara Designs} has an exclusive Leather Chair set available. I fell in love, the texture is gorgeous, but best part... it allows you to change colors- even pink. 100% of donations from this set are donated. Then (Roped Passions) is offering all kinds of stuff. I loved how sexy this outfit was so had to show it off. The outfits there are also on sale 25% off regular price so best go see them. Today I'm showing the Inara Suspender Outfit which comes with a hud, you can also snatch the shoes which match beautifully. Then (Roped Passions) has a jewelry set available as well and I have to tell you,the bracelets are not made for Vista, but I'm wearing the Maitreya and adjusted a little so you can see in the pics how it does look. I like it. All in one spot, can't beat that. Gonna dress up for my aussie then ask if I can play secretary lol, y'all have fun <3

Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Outfit: (Roped Passions) Inara Suspender Outfit *EXCLUSIVE* by herpassion
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
AVICANDY Lace Back Seam[Licorice] by Ashton Tryce
Shoes: (Roped Passions) Inara Suspender Colors Heels *EXCLUSIVE* by herpassion
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar

Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
:jazzitude: Eyeglasses: Tortoise Shell by yazmine.tsarchon (No longer available)
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Wytch" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Available at Skin Fair 2017
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Zoya *Group Gift* by Truth Hawkes
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Whatever by The BossHoss
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