Well, there's many things to tell you about today. First: The Hipster Fair only has a day left so hurry over to see all the awesomeness jammed into one event before it's over. Today I'm showing you [NYNE]'s Carrie hair, which I thought was perfect with my cutsie look I had going. Second: Paws, Tails, & Whiskers Hunt has begun so check out the hunt page to see all the wonderful sponsors participating and get started now. I'm showing <P3>'s skirt gift, !GDit jewelry's bracelet, and * Inkheart *'s grey feline eyes. Gorgeous gifts offered this time, just gotta do a bit of hunting to find them. Third: *Calamitous Intent* has some beautiful clothes that just came out and remember she's doing the limited edition so there will only be certain quantities of each available. I'm showing Toy's new Gamora Top which has a hud for many, many, many color options. Then last, but not least Sunset Mist is having a Artist's Palette event starting March 10. The stores within the mall are offering tag deals on the 10 and 25, so items are marke at special prices. I'm showing Angel's Touch Messengers of Peace in the background, which I thought it was so pretty especially under the lavender light inworld. Anyways, got a huge weekend planned, lots of shopping to be done, and a Rooster to chase, y'all have fun <3

Angel's Touch Messengers of Peace
*NEW RELEASE* by judyabbott2011
Available at Sunset Mist Artist's Palette event starting March 10
Outfit: *Calamitous Intent* Gamora Top
*NEW RELEASE* by Toy Wiskee
<P3> Tish Skirt
*Paws, Tails, & Whiskers Hunt Gift* by ivy.thatch
Shoes: Bishes Cute Heels by Chu Quar
Jewelry: *Calamitous Intent* Liebe earrings by Toy Wiskee
!GDit jewelry & Outfits- Furry Flight Bracelet - Girl's Version
*Paws, Tails, & Whiskers Hunt Gift* by Moz Loordes
Hair: [NYNE] Hair 'Carrie' by Nyuu Neiro
Available at The Hipster Fair
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Liquid Shine" lipgloss &
alaskametro<3 "Matte Mist" eyeshadow by Alaskametro
* Inkheart * - Feline Eyes - Grey
*Paws, Tails, & Whiskers Hunt Gift* by Inkheart
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
If You Ever Did Believe by Stevie Nicks & Sheryl Crow
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