Ever have one of those days where everything you touch seems to go wrong? OMG, that's been my day :) So I did a happy scene tonight. Outside The Box! has this cute Puppy Love scene available at Spoonful Of Sugar. In case you hadn't seen it yet, Spoonful Of Sugar is an event to benefit Doctors Without Borders. While you are there, stop by The Dark Fae to find this cute shirt. It comes with a texture hud to change the front pattern. I thought the kites were cute. Then see the cute skirt I'm wearing? Bishes inc released this Lolita skirt in their main store. It comes in several colors and you can rock it in a cutsie way or even stick some stockings on and take it clubbing. My earrings and necklace were both made by Semi-Precious which is also at Spoonful Of Sugar. Then if you'd like to pick up these awesome bracelets just take a walk through the sims and you'll find [Ketamine]. Don't stop there though, see my nails? .::LUNA::. has Animal nail appliers available. Be sure to stroll through Spoonful Of Sugar and check the hot air balloons and the raffles set up and you'll also find A&A where my hair came from. So I've been busy shopping and walking, gonna settle and look for a Rooster. Y'all have fun <3

Outside The Box! Puppy Love by Kasslina Moonglow
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Outfit: The Dark Fae's What A Wonderful World by Corvi Ashdene
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Bishes inc Lolita Skirt
*NEW RELEASE* by Chu Quar
Shoes: The Dark Fae's SplatterPaint by Corvi Ashdene
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Jewelry: Semi-Precious Katheryne Jewelry Set
(earrings & Necklace) by Quixotic.criss
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
[Ketamine] Milly Bracelets by blacknesslectra
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Blossom" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Available at Skin Fair 2017
Hair: A&A Valentina Hair Pastel Colors by Alice Klinger
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Nail Appliers: .::LUNA::. Body Art - Animal - Nail Appliers by Lua Vendetta
Available at Spoonful Of Sugar
Skin Applier: amara beauty - Powder Pack Mar 2017 - Brooke Beauty Kit by Shantia Soulstar
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake
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