Cute stuff tonight! alaskametro<3 as a new dress the Alicia available at On9 in several different colors. I think it's a cute every day dress to wear around the house, you can change your hair to ponytails or down like I do to get several different styles going. I thought today was just a easy day for a Monday, getting ready for tomorrow. And tomorrow we have Hello Tuesday at Cosmopolitan where you can find Pepite from !Six o'clock! has an awesome Oldish chair available in a variety of colors. She even has a pink version, (I may have out, but didn't think it fit the theme I was going for so out of sight). If you haven't gone by yet then you need to drop down at outside the box! to see what all is available. I'm showing a past chalkboard and a different version of the Love Ladder than I did when she first introduced it. Oh and don't forget alaskametro<3 has some awesome makeups and nail appliers out right now at anyBODY, Cosmetics Fair 2017, and Bloom. Anyways, gonna relax for a bit, y'all have fun <3
!Six o'clock! Oldish Chair
*NEW RELEASE* by Pepite Roxan
Available at Hello Tuesday
Birdy. Shabby Cats - Basket-o-Kitties by tyr.rozenblum
outside the box! Live laugh love chalkboard &
outside the box! Love Ladder with cuddles/floral by Kasslinamoonglow
Scarlet Creative Aria Cottage by Charlotte Bartlett
Outfit: alaskametro<3 "Alicia" dress
*NEW RELEASE* by alaskametro
Available at On9
Shoes: REIGN.- Madison Flats w/Socks by Kenadeecole
Hair: Magika Tonight by Sabina Gully
Jewelry: Cae :: Papillon :: Sets by caelan.hancroft
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Lipslick" lip makeup
*NEW RELEASE* by Alaskametro
Available at anyBODY
alaskametro<3 "Blossom" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Nail Applier: alaskametro<3 "Flowerpress" nail art - Maitreya mani
alaskametro<3 "Flowerpress" nail art - Maitreya pedi
*NEW RELEASE* by Alaskametro
Available at Bloom
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Make Me Believe Again by Nickelback
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