So today I'm blogging something a bit different. Frenchie Fry invited Barusa and I for a sneak peek of her new parcel HOLLYWEED. So I'm going to show you around a bit to prepare you for tomorrow's grand opening.
Frenchie describes HOLLYWEED as a place to hang out and chill with friends. There's a lot of beautiful spots to just perch so you can take pictures or just enjoy the view while you chat. At the landing point you'll be offered a notecard with the Rules, might give it a glance over. Then you follow the path to the split. I suggest going right first. At the end you'll find the arch with a teleport pod... Then things get a bit interesting.

You'll land in a black box. Mika Stigson, also an owner and the partner of Frenchie, is an artist in Real Life. You'll find a poem he wrote with directions to get to the next part of our tour... ::Coughs:: Check the spinning raven. I chose not to show his work that he has on exhibit because that would take away all the fun from going and experiencing it yourself. His drawings and 3D art are worth the walk though. Now when you leave here...
Frenchie and Mika are both artists. Frenchie will be introducing FryGirl Designs and Mika will be opening Push the Buttons inworld. Frenchie is eagerly making design after design for her dresses, (keep an eye out I'm going to preview one later tonight). Mika does button and custom work even if you send him a quick message. There's also a snack shack which the Rooster had to thoroughly explore... even if I have a full fridge at the house, gotta pick up the cheetos y'know.

There's so many places to chill and relax and lots of games on the dock to be played. Frenchie claims to be the Queen of Greedy, but we all know how that works. I'm including credits for both mine and Barusa's outfits and we hope to see you at HOLLYWEED April 20, Noon to 4 SLT. I've also included an invite, because all y'all are invited \o/

Outfit: #best you ever- Sunnie Mint by turainia
Shoes: Bishes Inc Helen Heels by Chu Quar
Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer - Necklace - Ashira Teardrop by Maxi Gossamer
Makeup: #adored - enamored lips - happy hour edition by ampersand.artful
[Pink Fuel] CATWA Eyeshadow - Queen Palette by mochi.milena
Hair: !Oleander ~ Izzie. by baileeoleander
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip

Outfit: 69 Park Avenue- GQ Uptown Collection- Blossom by Silexe Core
Hair: Exile:: Spice by Kavar Cleanslate
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
Cover of the Rolling Stones by Dr Hook
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