So many new things to tell y'all about, but first a quick catch up in case you haven't seen. Maitreya updated her body so the hands are now bento, just run over to the store to get the newest version by redelivery. Then CATWA updated her Catya and Daniel heads, again, run over and have it redelivered. I think, don't quote, but I think she was ironing out issues with the eyes closing and the lashes clipping. Now for the new stuff. Run by Swank to find Outside The Box!'s newest release the NY set. Very modern, upbeat feel for me. I thought the comforter was pretty clever. Then head on to The Black Fair. There you'll find *Sweet Kajira*'s new release Niobe, I chose to wear the white because it's so pure and clean looking. The lace is so well done, it just has this sharp look to it for me. I love it! Then while you are there Bishes Inc has released some awesome new shoes, Helen Heels. Love Love Lover her heels, hudded for different color combinations. So cute! But don't stop there, head on to anyBODY, because the awesome alaskametro<3 has released some new lipsticks and eyeshadow! She's got to be one of my absolute favorite makeup creators. Want those eyes to really pop? Well the Fame & Fortune Hunt 2 is still going and * Inkheart * has gifts! Swing by and hunt it down so you can get some awesome colors. Well, I'm just lazing around missing a Rooster, gonna see what else I can find, y'all have fun <3

Outside The Box! Dark Sheep Rug with Teal buttons
Outside The Box! NY Loft Bed/Adult
Outside The Box! NY Loft Carpet
Outside The Box! NY Loft Chair/Adult *NEW RELEASE* &
Outside The Box! NY Loft Chair/Adult
Outside The Box! NY Table
Outside The Box! White Divider/Lights
*NEW RELEASE* by Kasslina Moonglow
Available at Swank
Outfit: *Sweet Kajira* Niobe
*NEW RELEASE* by Bronte Denja
Available at The Black Fair
Shoes: Bishes Inc Helen
*NEW RELEASE* by Chu Quar
Available at The Black Fair
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Shizuko Mesh Hair by MissAllSunday Lemon
Available at Chapter four
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Lipslick" lip makeup
alaskametro<3 "Luxe" eyeshadow
*NEW RELEASE* by Alaskametro
Available at anyBODY
Jewelry: :[Plastik]:- Maiklu Earrings &
:[Plastik]:- Maiklu Necklace by aikea.rieko
Eyes: * Inkheart * - Uran Eyes - Fame
*Fame & Fortune Hunt 2 gift* by Inkheart
Nail Applier: alme. Golden Lines Light by chloeelectra
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Love Me Like You Do by Living In Fiction
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