Spring is here and if y'all are like me, you have your hands in a bit of everything... Cleaning and trashing, finding stuff you'd forgotten for the last couple years. Trying to make that garage fit your car, but unable to part with grandma's old television set. But today I'm gonna show you awesomeness to add to it! Starting with Hello Tuesday! at Cosmopolitan, Pepite has once again put out a cute piece. !Six o'clock! has the new Cute Heater available on sale in several colors. Then after you pass through there, best hit The Garage Fair 2017 and check out .:MunSpain Corporation:.'s gacha, very cool this time. Then *~*Moolala*~* had the Kourt outfit at Fashion Bloc, I got the days confused and thought today was the last day so was gonna rush y'all, but it was yesterday....So this cute outfit of pants, shirt, and shoes will more than likely be in the *~*Moolala*~* main store in June. Now... you need to remember this one, because it's all hudded with several different colors for different looks and combinations. I love Mandy's stuff and she's generally very awesome about putting it available in store after the events, so still had to show. Once you've taken a look at what she's got to offer then you might notice she's in the *Flowerage Hunt Gift*, and it's not the first on the list, but who really goes in order? You can hit Moolala, then EARTHWORX for this awesome little Flower Wheel planter, then NightSide Studio has several different textures in their hunt prize of spring colors, tulips, and bows, and today I'm also showing Sanna's Green Butterfly wall. Now I opened Sanna up and there were animated walls as well as tubs, so it's worth taking a looksie. Very cute spring. Well I'm trying to get the dust settled before my adorable aussie shows up, so y'all have fun <3
!Six o'clock! Cute Heater
*NEW RELEASE* by Pepite Roxan
Available at Hello Tuesday!
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Cube Shelf Set 1 &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Cube Shelf Set 2 &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Mesh Market Cart Stripe Dark PUrple &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Barrels Pink Oil Mesh Chair &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Barrels Purple Oil Mesh Chair &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Coffee Grunge Table &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Pallets Grunge Table &
.:MunSpain Corporation:. Wall Hanging Garage Decor v1 by MayaHabanaCortes Magic
Available at The Garage Fair 2017
EARTHWORX Flowerage Wheel Planter
*Flowerage Hunt Gift* by loganbrinley
NightSide Studio Summer Blends Bow texture
*Flowerage Hunt Gift* by Elegance
Sanna Green Butterfly Wall Version 1 & Sanna Green Butterfly Wall Version 2 & Sanna Green Wall Still
*Flowerage Hunt Gift* by Sanna Jupiter
Outfit: *~*Moolala*~* Kourt Outfit
*NEW RELEASE* by AmandaSue Hallison
Available at Fashion BLOC
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Austen by Truth Hawks
Jewelry: [Komand] Friday Gold Hoop Earrings by yungmace
Izzie's - Weather Necklace gold by Izzie Button
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Blossom" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Taking Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive
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