It's that time! It's almost Summer! ::[Chic Princess]:: is prepared at her Main store. Ameera just released the Wild Bikini, it's hudded. Now the awesome part, you get 2 styles and 20 textures for each style. It's like having 40 sexy styles of swimwear whenever you need. Love it! Then I know I mentioned a few days ago, but Exile:: has released Bento Hair. Today I'm wearing Palace. What it is, there is bento animations within the hair so that it will move. Very cool right? I love that it's not stiff and just sitting there. The Palace is available at Exile::'s Main store. Now, another little surprise. If you run by Izzie's's Main store, you'll find she's updated her appliers and you can pick the updates up free on a desk in the New Release section. It's cute stuff too, like the sand I'm wearing today, tanning lotion, and other fun stuff. So I'm gonna play in the sand until the Rooster catches me, y'all have fun <3
Outfit: ::[Chic Princess]:: WILD Bikini
*NEW RELEASE* by ameera29princess
Shoes: :::ChicChica::: Iness by Lilo Denimore
Hair: Exile:: Palace (bento)
*NEW RELEASE* by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: *{Junbug}* Highland Ribbon Necklace by juno.mantel
..::ILLI::.. Gift F Vogue Sunglasses by equitum
LIKKA*HOUSE Wooden Chip Hanging Earrings by Likka Noel
Izzie's - Favorite Pain Bracelet by Izzie Button
Makeup: [Pink Fuel] CATWA LIPSTICK - Essential by mochi.milena
Nail polish: alme. Lacey - Black by chloeelectra
Body Applier: Izzie's - Applier Beach Sand light by Izzie Button
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Stir It Up by Bob Marley
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