Hurry Hurry Hurry to The Garage Fair 2017! You only have a few days left to catch these goodies on sale and in one place! Today I'm showing you one of Evolve's beautiful dresses. Yes, Candia does come with a pair of gorgeous gold heels and a hud to change the dress. I fell in love with this blue though, so had to show it. Of course, I'm wearing one of my new favorite hairs again. Class Act by Exile::, you can find it in the Main Store. I love it. Then there isn't long left to do the Flowerage hunt. If you'll notice the golden eyes I'm wearing are * Inkheart *'s gift. So many fun things and the month is almost done. I feel like one of those lady spies or assassins from James Bond, all prettied up. Pull a deadly hair pin out of my hair and toss it at the fool who interrupts my thoughts... lol, not. Well, gonna think on how to surprise a Rooster, so y'all have fun <3

Outfit: Evolve- CANDIA Outfit by Reign.Congrejo
Available at The Garage Fair 2017
Hair: Exile:: Class Act by Kavar Cleanslate
Jewelry: Rebel Hope KittyCats Earring Gold by Rebel Hope
EarthStones Katya Bangles- Fresh by Abraxx Anatine
Eyes: * Inkheart * - May Eyes - Sunflower *Flowerage Hunt Gift* by Inkheart
Nail polish Applier: alme. Golden Lines Light by chloeelectra
Skin Applier: amara beauty - Powder Pack Mar 2017 - Brooke by Shantia Soulstar
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Skyfall by Adele
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