I'm just prancing around my new little house from floorplan, I picked it up at the Arcade. It's been a rough few days this last week, but listening to some tunes and catching up all day today. Part of that catching up, I gotta share some awesome finds before y'all miss out. I'm gonna start with Newness at ::[Chic Princess]::! You'll find the Elise off shoulders top, it comes with 10 textures and you can see it's a very delicate looking piece. Love the clothes that bare the shoulders. Then while you are still at ::[Chic Princess]:: there's Hot Summer Shorts you can match. They have 8 jean options, 8 belt colors and 11 trims, but it's awesome because there's a no trim option too so they can be worn with anything... You're out shopping so don't stop there. Slip into Collabor88 and you'll find the two newest Exile:: releases. I'm showing Be My Baby tonight, adorable as the name right? Plus pick up the other to check out Exile::'s newest feature the bento hair, I'll be sure to blog it next, but it needs to be worn so you can see how it moves. This month is another fun hunt! The World At Your Feet 2, so shoes! Well, not all shoes, ~*Moolala*~ has offered an awesome tattoo for her prize. Prancing requires comfort so you know I was barefoot, but it gave me a chance to show off one of Mandy's tattoos. So be sure to hit that hunt and make that stop. Well, gonna see what tunes I can talk the Rooster into dancing with me to, y'all have fun <3
!six o'clock! rosed sign by Pepite Roxan
Birdy - Boudoir - Mirror by nina.helix
floorplan. summer cottage gacha / falu by Tegan Serin
Available at Arcade
Outside The Box! Champagne and Pearls Table &
Outside The Box! Rose Le Fleur Chaise/Adult by Kasslina Moonglow
Outfit: ::[Chic Princess]:: ELISE OFF SHOULDERS TOP
::[Chic Princess]:: HOT SUMMER SHORTS
*NEW RELEASE* by Amira Lynx
Hair: Exile:: Be My Baby
*NEW RELEASE* by Kavar Cleanslate
Available at Collabor88
Accessories: C L A Vv. Sound Geek - Earphone Necklace Pink by thepierrot
Makeup: #adored - enamored lips - happy hour edition by ampersand.artful
[Pink Fuel] CATWA Eyeshadow - Queen Palette by mochi.milena
Skin Appliers: ~*Moolala*~ The World At Your Feet 2 Tattoo by Amandasue.hallison
Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Be My Baby by The Ronettes
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