Santa Swaps are everywhere in Second Life right now. For anyone following my blog this month, you'll have seen where I participated and did the post on Amity Sorbet. Blogger & Vlogger Network did a Secret Santa Swap and Lainey Thorne drew my name. Well, I couldn't let her have all the fun. Lainey does The Anti Girly Girl Blog. Yes, and she drew my name. She's a sweetheart, I've actually known her a very long time. I can't imagine what she thought, because she's not a fan of the color pink like I am, but it was good fun. She's very precise on her blog. If you'll look at her pictures you'll see what I mean, where every little detail is taken into consideration. She steers more toward Role Play and Fantasy in her looks.

Lainey Thorne's Blog:
Lainey Thorne's Flickr:
Lainey Thorne's Facebook Page:
Lainey Thorne's Twitter:
Lainey Thorne's Pinterest:
Lainey Thorne's Plurk:
Lainey Thorne's Tumblr:
Outfit: Petite Mort- Unicorn Novelty Jammies by insilvermoonlight
Available at The Frozen Fair
Bishes Inc Tiny Top by Chu Quar
Hair: Exile:: Lovefool by Kavar Cleanslate
Makeup: .ARISE. Thea Makeup Set by Ionlysoule
Skin Applier: Essences Natalia by inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Joel the Lump of Coal by The Killers featuring Jimmy Kimmel
The Killers do a Christmas song for charities every year featuring different singers and celebrities so I thought it would be a good song for a collaboration picture.
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