So I got tired of trying to catch the Rooster with Spring Break and Easter right here on top of us and decided to give you a peek at the [DictatorShop]'s New Releases. This is the Tropicality Set available at ULTRA and ILLUMINATE, split between the two. You can always check the demos at [DictatorShop]'s Main Store. Everything with Decor is just that, but the Coffee Table, the Chair, and Sofa are available with animations... PG and Adult. (Yes, I plan on showing y'all some of the couple animations as soon as I can pin the Rooster). There's several different color combinations to choose, you just click the [DictatorShop] logos to pull up the menus, so no searching for huds in the inventory. I love this Coffee Table, not only is there PG animations like I am showing in this blog, but there are some fun naughty ones. So if you are like me and having to wait every night then you can surprise him by letting him walk in on some fun positions. There's even dances which I found really awesome.
I've also got some more excitement to tell y'all about. You may have heard me mention Fly By Friday before if you had talked to me inworld, but today I get to show you a sneak peek! I'm wearing :: Pink Cream Pie ::'s Miranda Easter shirt. There is six patterns going to be available on sale Friday. :: Pink Cream Pie :: is just one of many stores participating, so I suggest grabbing a hud from here: , to see what all is available. Each week is different stuff available on sale.
I'm also wearing Exile::'s Anyway hair, I couldn't remember if I had shown the blonde or red color before. Then I'm wearing :: Pink Cream Pie ::'s Becky shoes, all colored up to match my Easter shirt. Also I have changed up the color and wearing Elle Boutique's Deja Earrings to show you. So many ways to mix and match, gotta try to get it all in. Well, going to try to catch me a Rooster again, y'all have fun <3
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Adult Chair v1.0a
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Adult Sofa v1.0
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Coffee Table - Adult v1.0
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor End Table
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Short Narrow)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Short Wide)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Tall Narrow)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Tall Wide)
*NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop
Outfit: :: Pink Cream Pie :: Miranda
*Fly By Friday Sale* by Vaygah.Varriale
neve short - tawna by ColdLogic
Hair: Exile:: Anyway by Kavar Cleanslate
Shoes: :: Pink Cream Pie :: Becky by Vaygah.Varriale
Accessories: Elle Boutique - Deja Earrings
Elle Boutique - Liz Rings by Ellepolygon
{le fil casse} Vivienne Bunny Headband Purple by Jacinda Jaxxon
Makeup: Glam Affair - Polly makeup set for Catwa by aida.ewing
DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for CATWA Heads *Dramatic Eyes & Lashes* by Steffi.villota
Skin Applier: Essences Lana #Medium01 by inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
I Will Wait For You by Mumford and Sons
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