Lots to tell y'all about today. I'll start with Sunset Mist. If you haven't made it by yet then you still have time. I'm wearing RosaChiclete's Vic 2 Dress which is offered Exclusively at the event, she has many more outfits. I'm also wearing BodyCult Tattoo's Lyric A Simple Rose tattoo again. Today I'm showing with the lyrics, where as before it was only the roses. You can find both of these at Sunset Mist event the rest of the month.
I'm also wearing :: Pink Cream Pie ::'s Becky Sneakers. You can find these at Main Store, but not only that... Today is Pi Day, so check the signs in the front, because if you are a group member there's special gift, (join the group is worth it). And be sure to demo so you can check for your size as well as all the awesome colors available.
That's not it. I know I showed y'all one of Exile::'s hair at Collabor88, but time got away from me and I missed the other. Well, Collabor88 is still going and Exile:: still has Clear Path available at the event. Beautiful work as always, check this one out especially if you are a photographer since the hair is long without hiding the view from the front. It's beautiful, with the bento as well as the regular version.

See lots going on in the middle of March. Well, gonna go whisper in the Rooster's ear, y'all have fun <3

Available at Sunset Mist
Shoes: :: Pink Cream Pie :: Becky Sneakers *NEW RELEASE* by Vaygah.Varriale
Hair: Exile:: Clear Path *NEW RELEASE* by Kavar Cleanslate
Available at Collabor88
Accessories: Altamura:black"leather dark" bracelets by Rumegusc Altamura
*PROMAGIC* Una - Gift NoseRing-Silver by Promagic

-NSFW, Adult Sim-
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Babygoth" makeup *NEW RELEASE* by Alaskametro
Available at 4Mesh
.euphoric ~Volume Lash Asia 01 by Demi Placebo
Tattoo Applier: BodyCult Tattoo Lyric A simple Rose by nici Sewell
Available at Sunset Mist
Fingernails: Elle - Fifi Fingernails by Ellepolygon
Eyes: Izzie's - Demon Mesh Eyes by Izzie Button
Skin Applier: alaskametro<3 "Alicia" face skin in Tone 1 *NEW RELEASE* by Alaskametro
Available at Skin Fair 2018
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Black Wedding by In This Moment
Backdrop: Psuedo Inked Corner Scene by Smith Dash
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