I told y'all it wasn't going to slow down and today I have lots of pretties to tell y'all about. First let's start with the most time sensitive.... Fly Buy Friday starts today and you have this weekend to grab a hud and check the deals. I'm wearing :: Pink Cream Pie ::'s Lola Flower Lingerie offered this weekend in several special textures or buy the pack for sale right now!
Now let me tell y'all about the jewelry. Lyndy In Chains made this gorgeous Rose Belly Fitted Chain. It's hudded for several color choices and comes with several sizes so check to see if your body type is included. Lyndy In Chains has a few choices for belly chains, but since :: Pink Cream Pie ::'s look was flowers today I couldn't resist her Rose Chain.
Same thing with my Anklets. Yes, make sure to check them out, because I got y'all a little bit of an early sneak peek. I'm wearing Elle Boutique's Eden Anklets. They are hudded and come in different sizes for different bodies as well. She's always so particular about her jewelry, they are absolutely lovely. You can find them at Spring Flair starting April 7.
Then I am wearing Exile::'s The Idea of Her hair, I think it is my go to hair now. I just love the partial updo and falling over the shoulder. I'm also wearing some of the makeup choices from alaskametro<3's Drama Queen. Be checking the main store because she should have some new stuff in from events and is always fun to see what else the creator has that you may have missed.
Well, going to see if I can get a Rooster to relax in some bubbles when he shows up, y'all have fun <3
Outfit: :: Pink Cream Pie :: Lola Flower Lingerie
*Fly Buy Friday* by Vaygah.Varriale
Hair: Exile:: The Idea of Her by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: Elle Boutique - Eden Anklet
*NEW RELEASE* by Ellepolygon
Available at Spring Flair starting April 7
Lyndy In Chains - Rose Belly chain fitted by Lyndydia
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Drama Queen" makeup by Alaskametro
[POUT!] Basic Lashes by leela.darwin
Eyes Applier: ::SlackGirl:: Climax Texture HUD for CATWA EYES by SlackGirl
Skin Applier: Essences Isela #Medium01 by Inka.mexicola
Shape: Essences : Isela Bento Shape by Inka.Mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
I Was Made For Loving You by Tori Kelly featuring Ed Sheeran
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