Happy Easter! So I promised y'all I would get the Rooster on these new items so you could get a glimpse of the couples poses. [DictatorShop] once again delivered awesomeness! [DictatorShop]'s Tropicality Sofa, Chair, and Coffee Table all contain poses. There are different singles and couples in each, (you can see some of the single female poses in previous post). Depending where you sit you may find adult, bdsm, or something totally different to perk your interest. I think the best thing to do on these is demo! The Coffee Table does have an exciting bent pose where you can dig your heels in the man's chest... I'll leave y'all to discover that and I highly encourage checking it out. All the poses in today's blog are from the furniture. The Tropicality that says Decor is just as gorgeous, but without the animations. You can find different pieces of this set split at the same sim between the ULTRA and ILLUMINATE events or you can hit [DictatorShop] to test the demos before dropping on the sim.

Then I have another new pretty from Lyndy In Chains. I'm wearing Lyndy In Chains Flirt 4 piece Boudoir Set that is newly released. It is all hudded so you can change the colors to mix and match combinations, even the cute little heels. I'll say the Rooster liked it. It is somewhat sheer... Very pretty. I'm loving the way she huds stuff to color as you wish.
So I have a Rooster in my arms and we're celebrating in our own way this morning, so y'all have fun <3

[DictatorShop] Tropicality Adult Chair v1.0a
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Adult Sofa v1.0
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Coffee Table - Adult v1.0
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor End Table
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Short Narrow)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Short Wide)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Tall Narrow)
[DictatorShop] Tropicality Decor Shelf (Tall Wide)
*NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop

Outfit: Lyndy In Chains- Flirt 4 Piece Boudoir Set
*NEW RELEASE* by Lyndydia
Hair: Exile:: A Fine Mess by Kavar Cleanslate
Makeup: #adored - headstrong shadows - teenage dirtbag edition by ampersand.artful
[Pink Fuel] CATWA LIPSTICK - Essential (Pinks) by mochi.milena
[POUT!] Basic Lashes by leela.darwin
Eye Applier: Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Tokyo Eyes (Pale) by Izzie Button
Skin Applier: --- PUMEC - SASHA - February by Otyebis
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Outfit: NessMarket Jonas Shorts Slink by Nessmarket
Hair: Exile:: Spice by Kavar Cleanslate
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
Hypnotic by Zella Day
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