So let's hit April running! I have several things to tell you about today, some old, some brand spanking NEW. Let's start with Lyndy In Chains. I showed y'all an outfit the other night and wanted to take the chance to show you another awesome look. I'm wearing Lyndy In Chains' Barbie Lattice Top with Lyndy In Chains' Booty Shorts. These are separate pieces you can wear with whatever, but I thought they were badass together so decided to show them like this. Just remember to grab demo, if there is ever a demo available I highly encourage you to use them. They are both available in different sizes. The Barbie Lattice Top is hudded and I'm in love with her huds. You can color it up to match anything just about. Swing by and check them out.
That's not all though... Bishes Inc ~ has just released the Enchained Heels for The Black Fair. They are hudded so you can color them up any way you'd like and come in a variety of sizes. I'll be showing them again, but I'm wearing the silver for once so y'all better check this out. Always the sexy top off to any outfit, Bishes Inc ~ has been coming out with some awesome shoes lately, (in case you missed check the diamond, the Bunny Heels, and Bea Heels as well).

Then I want to mention a few things I used in today's look. I'm wearing Exile::'s Long Time just in case you are new to Currently Cris or missed it when it came out. I'm also wearing alaskametro<3's Babygoth makeup which was available last month at Skin Fair so should be coming to the store anytime hopefully with her other wonderful makeups. I also have [DictatorShop]'s Contempo Ladies Chaise in the background to remind y'all she's got more than the Tropicality available, can always swing by the shop and find a whole set to fix your house up with.
Well, I think I feel a Naughty Rooster on his way, so going to see what he plans on today, y'all have fun <3

[DictatorShop] Contempo Ladies Chaise by Dictatorshop
ECKLE- Interior Wall Panel Photo BG by mhayakally
Outfit: Lyndy In Chains- Barbie Lattice Top by Lyndydia
Lyndy In Chains- Booty shorts by Lyndydia

Available at The Black Fair
Hair: Exile:: Long Time by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: Elle - Blaze & Felicity Palm Rings by Ellepolygon
RACK Poses - Riding Crop by Kirsty Oherlihy
Makeup: .euphoric ~Nora Makeup Series~ by demi placebo
alaskametro<3 "Babygoth" makeup by Alaskametro
Eye Applier: Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Demon Eyes by Izzie Button
Skin Applier: ::Modish:: Vega Skin&lips_PowderPack by ele.brandi
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Who's Next by Porcelain Black

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