So I pinned a Rooster today! Just so I could show y'all the poses and animations in [DictatorShop]'s New Releases. We have the Chesterfield Wingback Adult Throne I showed in yesterday's blog, (Please check it for more details). Then we have the Chesterfield Bed today. They match [DictatorShop]'s previous Chesterfield releases so be sure to run by the Main Store and check them all out and you might end up with a fun little living room set. The Chesterfield Bed is available at DarkSide this month, (the demo is at Main Store you can check out all the poses in each type), and the Chesterfield Wingback Throne is at Ultra. The Bed is available as the Cart was in three types: PG, Adult Vanilla which has the lovings and cuddles, and the Adult Kink which has a bit of everything including Maledom and Femdom, even threesomes. You can always try the demo at Main Store to see which would best suit your needs. The Chair and Bed, both have texture change menus so you can change the wood, linens, and the leather. Fun stuff!
Then I have more to tell you about today! Sunset Mist is still going for April and if you haven't been by then you need to hit it before it goes out. Today I am wearing one of .:S&B:.'s offerings at the Event. I'm wearing .:S&B:.'s Lace Teddy, it's hudded for Black or White. Very sexy stuff. It's available in several body sizes including the stardard mesh sizing, so check it out.
You'll notice I'm also wearing a beautiful tattoo today. Also found at Sunset Mist is BodyCult Tattoo's Black Roses Ruby. They come in several colors of roses, omega huds so they are compatible with your mesh body. Beautiful work in beautiful vibrant colors.
That's not all though.... I'm wearing Elle Boutique's New Release Raelynn. The rings and bracelets are hudded in different colors, able to mix and match to suit your needs. Perfect for that sexy occasion or dressing up to impress as you run around Second Life. It is available now at the Underdog Event. Beautifully done.

See lots of things going on... Well, I have a Rooster pinned still so y'all forgive me but think I'll take advantage. Y'all have fun <3
[DictatorShop] Chesterfield Wingback Adult Throne
*NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop
Available at Ultra
[DictatorShop] Chesterfield Bed
*NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop
Available at DarkSide
Outfit: .:S&B:. Lace Teddy Kara Black and White by Seni Bloch
Available at Sunset Mist
Hair: Exile:: Persuasive by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: Elle Boutique - Raelynn
*NEW RELEASE* by Ellepolygon
Available at Underdog Event
Makeup: Colivati Beauty - Powder Pack April 2018 Catwa by Colivati
.euphoric ~Koko Beauty Set~ by Demi Placebo
Tattoo Applier: 3.
BodyCult Tattoo Black Roses Ruby SPECIAL HUD DARK by nici sewell
Available at Sunset Mist
Skin Applier: --- PUMEC - Asha by Otyebis
Eyes Applier: *Crazy.sexy* Bella Flora Eyes by diodiabloz
Available at Sunset Mist
Shape: Essences : Isela Bento Shape by Inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
^^Swallow^^ Shiny Ears by luciayes.magic
Outfit: Luxe Dot-be Fashion - Benjamin suit SLINK PANTS by BonieFacio
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Razis hairpiece - Natural dye by M4ri1yn Magic
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
Dirty Little Girl by Burn Halo

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