I'm also wearing Lyndy In Chains Bento Metallic Nails. I've shown them once, but I wanted to show in a different color. Each nail is hudded so all 10 can be different colors if you chose.
I'm also wearing Exile::'s Life In Plastic.
Well, going to see what trouble I can find until the Rooster shows up, y'all have fun <3

Shoes: _CandyDoll_ Soraya Boots by rebeca.dembo
Hair: Exile:: Life In Plastic by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: Lyndy In Chains - Bento Metallic Nails by Lyndydia
#187# Cross Bracelet Gold by kalya.damour
MINIMAL - Crossroad Necklace Gold by ors.quan
PHEDORA / Cross Earrings by celena.galli

Just Magnetized - Insta Beauty set 04 by justyna.magne
Eyes Applier: ::SlackGirl:: Climax Eyes by SlackGirl
Tattoo Applier: TAOX MAITREYA - Rain by 0claudia0.novaland
Skin Applier: --- PUMEC - SASHA by Otyebis
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Whore by In This Moment
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