So lots of fun things to tell you about today. Let me start with my outfit. I'm wearing *Sweet Kajira*'s New Release, Ursula, which can be found at We <3 Role-play. It comes with three different aprons you can choose to wear with it. I'm wearing marfil, but it also comes with leather and beige. It's available in lots of lovely colors and made for Maitreya. As always try a demo and check it out on your body, but I think you'll love it as much as I do. I'm wearing *elise*'s Brenda Bento Rings with it, because I thought they were a nice touch to the roleplay look. I'm also wearing Exile::'s Live and Learn which can still be found at Collabor88 so best hurry.

Now if you'll look at the foliage in my picture... I used Lunar Seasonal Designs Menu Driven Lilac Tree and Pansy Plant, Menu Driven Lilac Bush with Naturalized Hyacinths, and the Cherry Blossom Bush with Glory of Snow Patch. You can find these Exclusively at Sunset Mist this month, 50% off. Very pretty to decorate your land, garden with.
Now [DictatorShop]'s Garden Cart is another perfect addition to your sim or garden. It's available Exclusively right now at Cosmopolitan. I suggest going to [DictatorShop] Main Store to demo first so you see which set of animations suits your needs. It's available with PG Single Sits, self explanatory. Adult Vanilla, which is adult animations without the kink. Then you have the kink version, which has the bondage plus the vanilla animations. You'll notice they say OMNI on the Vanilla and Kink version which means there is something for all gender combos. You'll find the menus in the Kink version split between the rezzable blankets because of the menu size. You can also change the look of the cart by touching the handles. Run by and give it a go, you'll be pleased to find what all this piece offers especially if you are into roleplaying.
So I wait all night on a Rooster, he gets on to find me and see what I've been up to, then just has to shake his head a bit or tap my bottom, and when I'm lucky hold me a bit. I don't know how good I'd be at roleplaying, I included one of the cute pictures that looks like "hey baby", but really I think I was "What you doing?", "Did you see this on the menu?", or some such.... Just a peek into our dynamic. Well, going to see what else I can get him to play with me while I've got him on the cart, y'all have fun <3
[DictatorShop] Garden Cart
*NEW RELEASE* **Exclusive** by DictatorShop
Available at Cosmopolitan
Lunar Seasonal Designs - Menu Driven Cherry Blossom Bush with Glory of the Snow Patch
*Exclusive* &
Lunar Seasonal Designs - Menu Driven Lilac Bush with Naturalized Hyacinths
*Exclusive* &
Lunar Seasonal Designs - Menu Driven Lilac Tree and Pansy Planting
*Exclusive* by lunar.tripsa
Available at Sunset Mist
Outfit: *Sweet Kajira* U r s u l a
*NEW RELEASE* by Bronte.Denja
Available at We <3 Role-play
Hair: Exile:: Live and Learn by Kavar Cleanslate
Available at Collabor88
Accessories: *elise* - Brenda Bento Rings by Shanty Bookmite
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Daytime" makeup palette by Alaskametro
Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Lashes by Izzie Button
Eyes Applier: ZORA - JOLENE EYES by zorjia
Skin Applier: Essences Lana #Medium01 by inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Outfit: *Les Encantades* Finrod by Anouk Haiku
Hair: Exile::Spice by Kavar Cleanslate
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris featuring Ellie Goulding
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