Then I'm wearing Sexy Princess New Flair Bra & Panties available at AnyBody. It's available in several colors, I'm playing in the red and black today, (the colors just screamed 'Come play with me!' so I couldn't resist). Please note the nipple covers do not come with it, they are from the Bound outfit from Lyndy In Chains.

[DictatorShop] Contempo Ladies Chaise by DictatorShop
Available at The Fetish Fair
Outfit: Sexy Princess - Flair Bra & Panties *NEW RELEASE* by tears4anangel
Available at AnyBody
Lyndy In Chains - bound pasties by Lyndydia
Shoes: Bishes inc ~ Fetish Heels by Chu Quar
Hair: Exile:: Muse *NEW RELEASE* by Kavar Cleanslate
Available at Vanity
Accessories: Lyndy In Chains - Bento Metallic Nails by Lyndydia

Makeup: Just Magnetized - Insta Beauty set 04 by justyna.magne
Eyes: ::SlackGirl:: Moon Eyes by SlackGirl
Skin Applier: Insol: face Candy by almercury
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip

Hair: Amacci Hair Ethan ~ Pearl Platinum by Carina Larsen
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
Ready To Go by NEFFEX
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