Then I'm wearing LAKSHMI]'s Mele Jumpsuit. It's available in several colors and there's a long and short version. Check and make sure, she offers several body sizes. It's available at The Aloha Fair as well. I always encourage demo demo demo, I love this jumpsuit cause I gotta admit I like my booty in it... yes you might think it's small, but I like it so hit it up and check your own out.

Then I ran over to ~ Shame Me Designs ~. Julya has this vendor called the Discount Roulette. It's kinda like gacha, because you are taking a chance. Right now she has Take Me Home Tonight available through Discount Roulette. When you pay the Discount Roulette vendor, you pay full price, but then there's a chance you can get anyway from 5% off up to 90% and free! I played and got 80% off, (I'd never tried discount roulette so was extremely curious how it worked). Very cool stuff, hit the store and check it out!
I'm also wearing Exile::'s Spring Break hair. I wanted to mention, even though I didn't use it, there is a style Hud included with this hair. Then I'm wearing *elise*'s Lilia Bento Rings and Bishes Inc New Aliss Shoes. So all kinds of stuff to show y'all today.

Well, gonna drag the Rooster home, kicking and screaming if need be, and see what I can talk him into. Y'all have fun <3
~Adorably Strange Wares~ The Oahu Forest Roadside Picnic Shelter by Violet Lestrange
Available at The Aloha Fair 2018
Pose: ~ Shame Me Designs ~ Take Me Home Tonight Pose w/Stool *Discount Roulette* by Julya Lykin
Outfit: LAKSHMI]Mele Jumpsuits by Romi Dagostino
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*elise* - Lilia Bento Rings |
Shoes: Bishes Inc - Aliss Shoes *NEW RELEASE* by Chu Quar
Hair: Exile:: Spring Break by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: *elise* - Lilia Bento Rings by Shanty Bookmite
*Mon Cheri* Gift / Feather Earrings by freya.olivieri
Makeup: ::SlackGirl:: SlackGirl Shad by SlackGirl
Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Lashes by Izzie Button
[Pink Fuel] CATWA LIPSTICK Applier - Shimmer Pinks by mochi.milena
Eyes Applier: ::SlackGirl:: Climax Texture HUD by SlackGirl
Skin Applier: Essences Selena by inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Outfit: ::ZED:: MESH Bad Ass Khaki Pants by EVK
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Bishes Inc - Aliss Shoes |
Shoes: ::ZED:: MESH Black Leather Ankle Boots by EVK
Hair: Amacci Hair Ethan ~ Pearl Platinum by Carina Larsen
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money
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