A few things to tell y'all about tonight. Lyndy In Chains, L.I.C., has just released the Booty outfit. The booty shorts and top. They are hudded with her awesome hud, so you can color to your heart's content, and come in several body sizes. Sweet!

Well, going to see if I can talk a Rooster into taking me on a drive. Y'all have fun <3
Pose: {NANTRA} Don't Take My T-Bird Away by Nantra
Outfit: Lyndy In Chains - Booty *NEW RELEASE* by Lyndydia
Shoes: _CandyDoll_ Soraya Boots White by rebeca.dembo

Available at Vanity
Accessories: Elle Boutique - Ray Fluffy Pack & Elle Boutique - Spell On You Rings by Ellepolygon
Makeup: #ADORED - alapalooza shadows - summa fest edition & #ADORED - enamored lips - ca'chella edition by ampersand.artful
-Beast Unleashed- Coma Lashes by noemi.azambuja
Eyes Applier: ::SlackGirl:: Climax Eyes by SlackGirl
Skin Applier: DeeTaleZ *Verena* by Steffi.villota
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Shut Up and Drive by Rihanna
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