Live For The Moment...

There's something for everyone at Rock Your Rack this time.  Today I have Artemis Corner's Chamber Orchestra in the background, lovely statues.  I'm also wearing Chiffon's Katanka dress which can be found at the event.  This color is the Limited Edition, but there are seven other exclusive colors available as well.  Then you can find several makeup options.  I am wearing ALMA's Pampa limited edition lipstick with .:bramble:.'s Pop! Life Eyeshadow, both are available at Rock Your Rack.  So best run by and see what they have that might tickle your fancy.

Well, gonna fancy dance with my handsome Rooster, y'all have fun <3

Artemis Corner - Chamber Orchestra by ArtemisGreece
Available at Rock Your Rack 2018


Outfit:  Chiffon - Katanka RYR Gown *LIMITED EDITION* by eleseren.brianna
Available at Rock Your Rack 2018
Hair:  Exile:: Muse by Kavar Cleanslate
Makeup:  ALMA Makeup - PAMPA *LIMITED EDITION* by onix1997
Available at Rock Your Rack 2018
.:bramble:. Pop!Life Eyeshadows by Gracie Dartmouth
Available at Rock Your Rack 2018
.euphoric ~Nora Makeup Series~ by demi placebo
Nails Applier:  .::LUNA::. Body Art - Music *LIMITED EDITION* by Lua Vendetta
Available at Rock Your Rack 2018
Skin Applier:  Essences Lana by inka.mexicola
Mesh Body avEnhancements:  Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip


Outfit:  Kauna - Tuxedo Jacket & Kauna - XIV BowTie: Coral & Kauna - XIV Cummerbund & Kauna - XIV Handkerchief & Kauna - XIV Shirt & Kauna - XIV Trousers & Kauna - XIV Waistcoat: Black by by ross.myhre
Shoes:  iNEDIT-Footwear041 *Redford* by Dans Belgar
Hair:  .Olive. the Snow Prince Hair - Satin by naminaeko
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements:  CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations

Musical Inspiration:  
Hopeless by Boy Epic
