Well not madness, but sooo many pretties to tell y'all about. I'm going to start with [DictatorShop]. She's been busy! [DictatorShop] has released the Vespera Coffin Sofa, which I've shown in several posts now cause I just love it, and she's released more to create a set for the Vespera! Today you can see in the back, (and I plan to show closer up as soon as I get chance), [DictatorShop]'s Vespera Bondage Bed. You can find it at the Black Fair on sale now. It's absolutely gorgeous with a texture change menu and of course, her awesome sets of animations. This bed is an artistic centerpiece, absolutely gorgeous. Then today I'm going to tell you more about the newest piece... [DictatorShop] has released the Vespera Throne. Yes, vampire animations are available! They are in the Kink version, there are two other versions- Vanilla and PG, but if you are like me you want the most bang and go for the one full of fun things to try. There's 4 wood textures and 8 fabric options so you can match up to the bed, so is good in the same room or standing on its own. And yes, all the pictures today are poses found in the Throne. Gorgeous stuff and you can find the Vespera Throne 20% off for limited time at the Cosmopolitan event.

Staying in theme, I found something new and sexy that even a vamp couldn't resist with it's lacy goodness. Sondra's Couture just released the Sheer Lace Romper. It's available in several body sizes and come with a hud with several gorgeous color. I loved the red, but the black is pretty as well. Oh and yes there is a pink options... several color choices!
Oh and see my shoes. I wore them in the last blog too, they are perfect with some of these sexy, dangerous looks I'm going for. These are *elise*'s New Release, the Deva Heels. They are hudded for several color choices and come in different body sizes. You can also find them at the Black Fair! These are those make your man drool kinda heels.

Then last, but never ever least... Exile:: has released new hair! Yes, I did the happy dance too. Exile::'s Dusk is available at Vanity going on now. It comes with a style hud so you can swap how you want it to lay over your shoulders and your bangs up. It's October so probably best time to check out all the colors available, he does absolutely beautiful colors. I'm finding Exile::'s Dusk is quickly becoming one of my go to hairs.
Well, gonna see about nibbling on a Rooster now, y'all have fun <3
[DictatorShop] Vespera Bondage Bed *NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop

[DictatorShop] Vespera Coffin Sofa *NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop
[DictatorShop] Vespera Throne - Adult Kink/Vampire *NEW RELEASE* by DictatorShop
Available at Cosmopolitan
Outfit: Sondra Couture's Sheer Lace Romper Spielanzug *NEW RELEASE* by Sondra Andel
Shoes: *elise* - Deva *NEW RELEASE* by Shanty Bookmite
Available at Black Fair
Hair: Exile:: Dusk *NEW RELEASE* by Kavar Cleanslate
Available at Vanity
Accessories: Slipper - Clarise Rings by Ellepolygon
Sweet Thing. Succubus Horns by ayashula

Available at Salem
[POUT!] Basic Lashes by leela.darwin
Eyes Applier: Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Demon Eyes by Izzie Button
Skin Applier: ### [PUMEC] - RARE - January by otyebis
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip

Outfit: Kauna - XIV Trousers [LONG]: Striped Black by Ross Myhre
Shoes: iNEDIT-Footwear041 *Redford* by Dans Belgar
Hair: .Olive. the Snow Prince Hair - Satin by naminaeko
Skin Applier: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- Devan by Izara Zuta
Mesh Body Enhancements: CATWA HEAD Paul by Catwa Clip
Slink Physique MALE Mesh Body by Siddean Munro
VISTA Animations Bento PROHANDS by Vistanimations
Musical Inspiration:
The Madness by Alevela
Great job, Cris :-) Beautiful done with phantasy. Love it.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
SLC SeecondLifeCouture Sondra's Couture
Thank you Sondra <3