Lots of fun today! I have New Six O'Clock to show you. The Industrial Stool for Couples, it has solo and couple sits in it, PG and Adult, and it's set up just right for me.
Then I'm wearing Hot Elegant Clothing's KIMI Naughty Xmas Top. There's many designs to choose from, including this one, (which I've always said "Santa is my Sugar Daddy"). It is also really fun to, because you can set the shirt to public and anyone can touch it and take "action". When I say that, I discovered if I touched it then I could emote throwing it to the floor and it would disappear. Fun Stuff! You can find it at the XXX event.
Also at the XXX event you can find this pretty Bang Bang Set from Moondance Boutique. It comes with a hud so you can size and color to suit your outfit. It comes with a necklace, collar, rings, bracelets, and earrings.
Don't forget the stocking hunt at :: Pink Cream Pie ::! It's still going right now and you can find these Poinsetta Lacey Jeans.
Well, I'm settling for the Holidays, missing the Rooster, y'all have fun <3

Six O'Clock - Industrial Stool for Couples *NEW RELEASE* by Pepite Roxan
Available at Cosmopolitan
Outside The Box! Bruxton Bar by Kasslina Moonglow
Outfit: Hot Elegant Clothing RO - KIMI Naughty Xmas Top RTUG-218-FP *by hectic1
Available at the XXX event
:: Pink Cream Pie :: Lacey Jeans [Poinsetta] *Stocking Hunt* by Vaygah Varriale
Hair: Exile:: Eyes On Me by Kavar Cleanslate
Accessories: Moondance Boutique Bang Bang Set *EXCLUSIVE* by kathrin.dassin
Available at the XXX event
FOXCITY. Indulge - Cigarette Prop by Satomi Masukami
Makeup: alaskametro<3 "Noelle" makeup by Alaskametro
.euphoric ~Eternty Lashes Vol.01 ~ by demi placebo
Eyes Applier: ::SlackGirl:: Climax Texture by SlackGirl
Skin Applier: DeeTaleZ *Verena* by steffi.villota
Mesh Body avEnhancements: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara by Onyx LeShelle
CATWA HEAD Catya by Catwa.Clip
Musical Inspiration:
Touch The Sky by Davis
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